A Divine Opening is Approaching

Received by Mashubi Shekiniah - September 07, 2021

World Blessings New Hope Daily Message for September 7, 2021

A holy portal of emergence is forming and opening a pathway to a much deeper manifestation of the divine within form.

This divine portal has been created for the purpose of opening the New Earth to a full and complete manifestation of her sacred purpose in divine timing.

Divine timing is of God, and is not subject to the human experience of time.

The ego, which wishes to control, and even to control a spiritual process, cannot participate in divine timing, however your heart, your divine being, your sacred body and your daily life all are participating in divine timing, at whatever level your soul has chosen.

Some are approaching this Divine portal with consciousness and prayer, and the desire to manifest all that is possible of their divine being within form, for the purpose of healing of all.

There are others who are approaching this divine portal without conscious awareness, but with the full permission of their soul level which has chosen to be present for this period of time.

Today dearest Beloveds, be aware of the choices before you, and take all the time that is needed to use the gift of your heart and your sacred incarnation to follow your divine purpose.

Trust in divine timing, even if this may not be clear to your embodied self. We are deeply grateful to all who are holding the light for the sacred transition of the holy Earth. We bow with gratitude and reverence, and send all blessings and love.

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Starts September 14, 2021