Beloved Readers,

Through this powerful 11.11.11. Gateway of Light we experience the Diamond Codes of Reunification and the alchemical marriage between the Masculine and Feminine polarities here on our physical Earth, which in Essence re-establishes the bridge in consciousness between our 3rd and 5th dimensional Worlds. What this means Beloveds, is that we are also bridging the gap in separation consciousness that has played out upon the Earth for many millennia, resulting in disunity, distortions of power, disharmony and disgrace between the male/female sexes.

These new Light Codes which are radiating into the Light Grids of Planet Earth as we speak, offer humanity the opportunity to unite within themselves these balancing energies to achieve the Oneness within and then ultimately without. This reunification, and alchemical marriage, is imperative at this time in order for humanity to take its next forward leap in consciousness towards establishing balance, harmony and peace for all life here on Earth.

As always with an influx of positive energy of such magnitude, a clearing of the OLD to make way for the NEW is experienced. Therefore a “worsening” of conditions may appear to be happening, but know that this is temporary as the OLD ways of separation consciousness are cleared from the energy matrix of humanity.

Beloveds, we guide you to remain steadfast in your trust and faith and to keep your focus firmly in your Sacred Hearts.

Anrita Melchizidek is at present offering 2 very helpful & powerful 11.11.11. transmissions, both of which contain a wonderful sound bath at the end to assist in the assimilation and integration of these new Diamond Codes of Light. You will find both these transmissions on her YouTube Channel. Enjoy!

We love you so very much and wish you a most magical journey through this gateway of Sacred Love and Divine Alchemical Union.


Note: If you would like to share this message, you do so with our blessing, but please do not change anything. We ask also that you please include the following links:

Ask Archangel Michael

Point of Power