Reconfiguration of the Energy Matrix

Received by Mashubi Shekiniah - April 28, 2021

Golden Steps to the New #28

Dearest Beloveds,

At this time the holy Earth is passing through a more intensified purification which is activating a new level of spiritual light in her core.

This new level of light is reconfiguring the energetic matrix of the Earth, and affecting all the holy beings that live on her.

This holy shift is affecting all and is also affecting the consciousness of humanity.

There are those who carry fear that the large scale changes now happening will create a threat to their own welfare.  

Although the soul level of being is not afraid, the physically embodied consciousness can be deeply involved in this energy, which is fueled by beliefs that came into being during the previous third dimensional cycle of Earth.

From the standpoint of separated consciousness, change creates danger and threat, which creates the need to protect oneself.

From the consciousness of One that is becoming more available to all now, change creates new opportunities for growth and transformation that bring each into alignment with one's truest Self.

Beloved Ones, this significant shift that is occurring is creating larger scale changes, and is especially at this time highlighting the urgent need for a new way.

What you are seeing on the Earth of widespread acceleration of the pandemic is due to the separated consciousness of humanity that has focused only on caring for the self rather than the whole.

The pandemic can only be resolved through helping all of humanity, not individual countries.

The Earth is One and humanity is One, and as this consciousness becomes more real to all, new solutions and new ways will be found.

The opposition to this expansion of light is strong and will attempt to create the illusion that this healing cannot happen.

Discouragement, despair, exhaustion and disillusionment can lodge themselves into the body and mind, obscuring the light of your soul's knowing.

You can help dearest Beloveds by holding firm in your soul's knowingness that love is real, the divine is real, and you are an eternal and beloved child of the One.

Make all of your choices in your daily life reflect this deep knowing of your soul, and the vibration of love, light and Oneness that you radiate will ripple out into the larger energy matrix of the Earth, affecting all and bringing a positive direction of healing to all.