The Time of Return

Received by Mashubi Shekiniah - June 28, 2021

Golden Steps to the New #31

Dearest Beloveds,

A new pathway of return has opened within time, space and dimensional reality, to allow all souls embodied on the Earth, no matter how far from their hearts, to begin the pathway home to the true Self.

It does not matter if you are brand new to the spiritual path, or whether you have been seeking for many, many lifetimes, and neither is it important your level of love, light, purity or inner knowledge.

All that is necessary is the sincere longing, prayer and intention to call out to the Divine and ask to be restored and returned to your one true home that is your deepest heart and true Self.

The divine calling has gone out from the heart of God, streaming forth the divine melody that awakens your heart and magnetically pulls you towards that which your deepest heart longs for.

Blessings dearest beloveds, may your journey of sacred return to your true essence be blessed.