Change Is Within – Melchizedek



Greetings beloveds.  We join you this day with great love and appreciation for your courageous appearance on planet Earth, in order to fulfill your part of the divine plan.  You chose to come forth into this life experience, dear ones.  For some of you that is hard to believe, for you do not feel comfortable on your planet of residence and would rather be somewhere else.  We assure you, dear ones, that you wanted to undertake your earthly adventure, and were enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve at this auspicious time of unprecedented transformation.

As you transform your earthly experience to a higher vibration, you transform much more, for all is connected.  You may not be able to change that which does not please you; however, you can change your attitude about it.  You cannot alter the attitudes or actions of other people; you can only make change within yourself. By adjusting your beliefs and attitudes, you change your world which, in turn, alters your interactions with others and how you perceive them.  The effective way to make change in your world is to transform yourself by modifying your attitude or belief about whatever it is you would like to change.

Is there something that you do not like about what is taking place on your planet or your relationships with others?  If so, look within and alter something about yourself.  You have no control over another person (or groups of people), no matter how hard you try, but you can change the dynamics of the situation by exerting control over your feelings, your emotions – how you react to people and events in your life.  If something does not please you and you focus your attention on the problem, you give energy to it.  By the same token, when you focus your attention on the solution, you energize the solution.

Beloveds, it is of paramount importance that you are conscious and in the moment, if you wish to manifest this transformation within yourself and your world, for that is where your power lies – within the moment.

For example: When/if someone (or a group of people) says or does something that brings forth the feeling of anger or fear, allow the emotion to dissipate as you embrace the feeling which is permeating your body.  Breathe deeply and center yourself in the present before you say or do anything else.  Notice and embrace the feeling of anger or fear as it dissipates.  It may not totally disperse, but it will dissipate enough for you to act in a conscious manner, bringing stability and a higher vibration to the situation.  You have the ability to increase your frequency even more by bringing forth the feeling of love as the anger dissipates.

As you change the energy of the encounter, you will affect your energy field and the energy of those involved, which will in turn radiate out into your world, for everything is connected and a part of the whole.  As this energy permeates the whole, your action on a personal level has affected the collective consciousness in a beneficial manner.

When you see something about yourself or the world that does not appeal to you, we encourage you to look within and make an adjustment there.  As you do so, your life, the world and mass consciousness can be transformed one thought and one feeling at a time.

Dear ones, you are loved beyond your knowing.  We embrace you with love, knowing of the power you have within.

I AM Melchizedek

Randall’s Comments:

From experience, I have found that the example above of moving into the energy and experiencing it works and is very effective, especially when followed with the feeling of love. The method outlined above is not easy at first; however, it gets easier with practice. My suggestion is to practice frequently on minor situations.

Relevant Quotes:

Things do not change; we change. ~ Henry David Thoreau

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~ Wayne Dyer

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.  ~ Alan Watts

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Be joyful, embrace life and thrive!

With love,


©2018 –  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission.  Randall Monk,    

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Valentin Samuel

    Very relevant to me according to my experience today. Indeed, I need to change what happens within myself in order to improve my relationships with others. Of a shy nature, I need to focus on talking to people and opening my feelings and thoughts. It is not that hard – I notice it when I successfully do so – but my goal is to achieve this on a daily basis, so that disappointing experiences happen less and less, as not feeling part of a group. All I need is to talk to people. Thanks a lot!

    1. Randall Monk

      Thanks for your comments Valentin!

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