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Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally.
Trilogy of Empowering Messages
By Harold W. Becker

Dear Friends,

These three previously published messages speak to the heart of love within each of us and provide compassionate insights for our world right now. I would like to share them with you again as a special trilogy so that you may find comfort and inspiration reading them together.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation

Women, Wisdom and Love

Within each of us is the innate, natural balance of our feminine and masculine creative powers. Every person, regardless of their physical attribute of being male or female, man or woman, has these potent forces that are the very essence of our being. In the simplest example, we all have the gift of imagination (a feminine energy aspect) and willpower (a masculine energy aspect). Together they infuse through the feminine energy of feeling and the masculine energy of thought to manifest our reality. What we think and feel, we become. They are ultimately inseparable and necessary components for creation. However, when they are either willfully suppressed or allowed to dominate, they create an imbalance that distorts, and even destroys, the inherent sanctity and beauty of life.


Imagination is our way of formulating and exploring possibilities. It is the grander view that gathers, intuits, and incorporates a variety of facets that are interrelated and interconnected. These are inclusive considerations that, at their core, are nurturing, subjective, heart-felt, and holistic. We often witness these characteristics in women since they tend to embody these energies to a greater degree and are the ones that conceive, incubate and develop the very physical being we become.


Willpower allows us to bring our imagination to life. By thinking, focusing, using our instincts, and taking necessary action, we materialize matter and build our outer reality. Men have actively portrayed these qualities for a very long time. The masculine energy is skillful in many important ways that support and uphold the feminine energies. Yet, by design, the feminine and masculine energies are meant to combine seamlessly within us, as being and doing, to allow us to experience the very best of life on this exquisite planet.


For countless ages and innumerable reasons, we have allowed an increasingly imbalanced expression of our masculine energies to dominate, particularly through men. This exclusive imbalance, suppression and ignorance of our central feminine energetic qualities, has been used to subjugate women to a lesser role and steadily wreaked havoc throughout societies and our earth. This imbalance has allowed a singular intellectual pursuit and gratification of materialism without the finer inclusive senses of grace, nurture, benevolence, integrity and dignity to balance our creation. When truly balanced, the resulting wisdom of love naturally blends our creative energies for the greatest good and benefit for all.


We are finally becoming aware of this imbalance, and in particular, women of the world are awakening to their personal power and balanced ability to create. They are embracing their essential willpower, regaining their voice, and standing in unity to bring about the balance necessary now. The infusion that this realization provides is the rapid restoration of the vital feminine energies of imagination and imperative vision, where an empowered humanity nurtures life itself in all its various expressions. Women are reigniting the crucial need for compassion, kindness and unconditional love to be included in creation. As they join heart-to-heart, they are imagining and empowering a world for future generations that thrive through gentleness and wisdom. Interestingly, most indigenous cultures had these central, balanced energies in their societies. Women shared in the formation and leadership of their social structures and were respected for their wisdom and equally dynamic contribution.


It is important to understand that this balance must also come from the men of the world as they relearn and embrace their fundamental balance and reincorporate the powerful feminine aspects they have purposely repressed within themselves. The patriarchal imbalance that has been created by the masculine energy bias has usurped governments, religions and social structures around the globe and resulted in an unstable and unsustainable reality. All around us we clearly see now that this imbalance is detrimental in the sustaining and flourishing of life.


We are all so much grander than we have allowed ourselves to be and there is so much potential before us as we once again acknowledge our foremost creative capacity. Women of the world, reclaim your perfect blend of creative energies so that men may know firsthand that there is deep wisdom in love and a magnificent power beyond measure in graceful balance.

Rainbow Souls: Beyond Black and White


We are at a brilliant crossroad on our earthly journey. With each passing moment, individually and collectively, we are steadily awakening and rapidly remembering our deeper truth of the universal love that unites and connects us all. For some it is a gentle nudge stirring us from our long slumber, while for others it may be more like an abrupt alarm sounding all around them. Each path is unique and all of us are being granted the opportunity to recall and realize our innermost essence as a precious being of infinite love and compassion. Although eons in the making, the awakening is as normal a cycle as the rhythm of the sun that brings each new day filled with fresh potential.


Embodying on this planet allows us to interact with the elements of nature and, of course, each other. Learning and growing from our experiences, we add to and evolve our personal and shared adventure in countless ways. When we come from our heart and make our choices with conscious benevolence and wisdom, we expand the very nature of life itself. We express ourselves as a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors and possibilities, allowing each element to blend and change appropriately in the moment effortlessly benefiting the whole.


However, when we feel separated from our heart-centered core, for whatever reasons we conclude and deem absolute, we permit our mind to take over and be the singular communicator and decider. Wholly linear, logical and devoid of the necessary compassion so vital and intrinsic to life, we develop an artificial response to reality which, over time, through repetition and reinforcement, we come to believe as reality. This incomplete and prejudiced approach executes a faux reality that accepts only contrasts of black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. In its extremes, it becomes a fanatical approach to life where even its perceived righteousness is exaggerated to a point of eventual compulsory destruction of itself. With no fundamental energy of its own, it is only fed by the basic irrational fears of professed separation conjured by the mind and only for as long as we allow this to continue.


Knowing the splendor of each distinctive band of color in a rainbow readily mixing with the next, comprising something even grander than itself, reminds us of our celestial and eternal heritage. When the ever-present light shines from beyond the cloud, the reflection of our rainbow colors emerge. Symbolically this is the awakening we are all undergoing.


Where some presently see only rigid and structured contrast of black and white, us and them, others are becoming keenly aware that a new dawn is prompting us to arise and walk consciously together in our world once again. By noticing the interconnected and multidimensional magnificence all around us, we are allowing the spark of light within to shine through us as joy and compassion, kindness and integrity. It is our unconditional spirit that seamlessly blends with our reality and brings the full spectrum of color into our experience.


As we venture forth, do we continue to prolong our slumber under the sense of separation or choose to fully awaken to our heart’s calling? The choice is as simple as we make it and unfolds moment-by-moment with our intention. Let’s stand up and be an active participant embracing our rainbow colors letting them shine, rather than lingering for a while longer in the duality of contrast as the alarms get louder. The call of unconditional love is beckoning us forward in our full creative capacity dreaming new worlds into existence. Future generations are counting on your dazzling courage to fully awaken now.

Watch YouTube version here

America Loves


The United States of America has a relatively brief history as a nation and has clearly had a powerful impact upon the world at large. Our influence is felt globally in so many different ways and these effects run the full spectrum from empowering our humanity to utterly extinguishing the spark of life with our attempts at preeminence. We bring out the very best in the human spirit while equally leaving trails of unnecessary destruction in the wake of our unbridled determination. We often make grave mistakes in our approach to life while simultaneously initiating extraordinary leaps in conscious evolution. When we come from authentic inspiration, our mutual hearts have spurned astonishingly benevolent solutions, and when we have ignored our common connection to humanity and the earth, our efforts have likewise decimated populations and cultures and scarred the planet we depend upon for sustenance.


Individuals make up any nation and it is here that we turn and look within our own hearts. Like all nations around the world, we are at a crossroads of opportunity. For the health and vitality of our planet, there is an expanded path before us and it requires a broader understanding and maturing of our individual and united perspectives and choices. In America, the indigenous knew the connection to our true spirit and our founding fathers and mothers laid the groundwork for an enlightened fundamental idea – a nation, like all nations, made up of individuals, yet with an inspired vision for universal freedom of choice to bring about a greater good for all. For many reasons we have lamentably denigrated the wisdom that seeded our birth as a nation, along with our individual and combined destiny and purpose.


At our core, America is a nation like any other: a living anthology of beings with evolving stories of hopes, dreams, talents and infinite potentials. Like any society, we seek to fulfill the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, coupled with our soul desires of joy, laughter, peace, happiness and love. And like any culture, we are overwhelmingly comprised of good people with big hearts who naturally aspire to share kindness and compassion. We are neither special nor important, rather we are a nation filled with the same humanity that collectively calls earth their home.  As a part of the planetary family, each nation has a unique combination and capability of its citizenry, that when brought together in the spirit of love, ignites a greater potential for all humanity. Our essential contribution is no different.


Here in America, from our earliest indigenous beginnings to our present day amalgamation of global cultural heritage, our unfurling story blends a rich connection to the spirit of the land that our native ancestors understood, to the more recent hyper evolution into material pursuits and manifestations. It is a revealing journey filled with amazing and miraculous accomplishment and equally fraught with the devastating perils of ignorance, avarice, and painful attempts at conquest.


Like the citizens of any nation, individually and together, we aspire to not only satisfy our core necessities, we also seek experiences and a sense of connection to both our fellow human and the earth we walk upon. When we follow our deepest calling, we collaborate with the very forces of nature to advance our civilization. However, when we allow ourselves to be separate from the world within and around us, we become fearful and this leads to tragic outcomes. Without the guiding force of universal love, we inflict the worst upon ourselves, each other, and the earth, simply because we have forgotten our innate magnificence as creatively endowed humans.


Our diversity is the one unusual attribute that provides us with an element of experience not readily available in other nations. Since our formation, we have been a land of people that brings the cultures, beliefs, and rituals of the entire planet to one region. Despite the incredible challenges this generates and entails, miraculously we have found ways to somehow integrate and cooperate without utterly annihilating each other and our nation in the process. Of course we have had significant setbacks and suffered horrific situations, however we continuously find solutions and ways to unite, persevere and thrive together. This enduring involvement with a diverse populace is precisely what allows us to shine brighter as we embrace this unique characteristic of our land and nation.


We are a nation of many people among nations of many people. The beginning point of any sustainable and empowered change must, by necessity, begin with us individually. Each of us is gifted with infinite creative capacity and are the instigators of change by turning within and reflecting honestly and objectively, first and foremost, on our own lives. It is through the release of our personal fears, doubts, worries, habits, guilt, shame and outmoded, limiting beliefs, that we inaugurate change for the rest of our human family.


Americans have enjoyed describing ourselves as the land of the brave. Are we brave enough to really open our hearts to release our fears and willingly love without judgement or condition? Are we brave enough to come from compassion and take the very best of our ingenuity and mindfulness to benefit not only the people of our nation, yet go beyond our supposed borders to include the wellbeing of all humanity and the earth herself? Are we brave enough to sit side-by-side with our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity and listen with dignity and integrity to learn from their journey? Are we brave enough to encourage our children to develop their own perspectives, talents and dreams and allow them to teach us? Are we brave enough and humble enough to admit to our mistakes, ask for forgiveness, forgive ourselves and others, and make the appropriate restitution? Are we brave enough to change and evolve into more than we currently perceive ourselves to be?


It is time America. We are the people of this nation. And in our heart-of-hearts, America Loves.

Watch YouTube version here

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The Love Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally. Established in 2000, TLF has become the globally recognized leading resource for understanding and applying unconditional love. Our vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and experience of love within individuals and society as a whole.

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