On Sunday January 17, Jupiter squares Uranus – the first major Uranus transit of 2021.

Only three days later on January 20th, Mars conjuncts Uranus.

Jupiter enhances, Uranus revolutionizes.

Jupiter brings wisdom and justice, Uranus invites breakthroughs and encourages freedom.

Freedom is the keyword for the next 2,000 year Aquarian Age, which Uranus rules.

So it is vital that we embrace freedom on all levels.

In particular, free will.

This 90° square is creating an inner tension which helps us overcome any resistance to being fully liberated and sovereign beings of love and light.

The natural wisdom and joy Jupiter enhances is vital at this time in history.

  • Jupiter square Uranus creates sudden changes so new ground can be broken, usually in a big way.
  • Jupiter attracts expansion and fortune, while Uranus invites a shift in every area that is held hostage by restrictions.

If you are focusing on the shadow expression of this transit you will slow down the Awakening it is designed to generate. Being fearful of change can lead to despair. Despair attracts confusion…

If this is the case, consider a new approach:

When things beyond your control are not to your liking, choose radical happiness.

Choose to smile at the world (Jupiter) and set yourself free (Uranus).

The Aquarian Age is asking you to access a radical new awareness.

We have reached one of the major tipping points in human history, as old ways and programming are no longer going to bring any sense of protection.

  • The path to love and peace begins with a smile.
  • Let’s join together and reach across the divide.

We have the greatest gift, allowing us to heal any pain, all divisions – free will.

Let’s use our free will in a wise, conscious way. That is the true meaning of Jupiter square Uranus.

Without awareness we would only focus on instinctual survival.

It is our freedom to choose. That free will is being awakened like never before… Many tests are strengthening you to choose to be free. Exercising that freedom restores inner peace. Not exercising it leaves you functioning on your default programming – living an unconscious life.

Uranus represents the higher mind.

The function of our brain is to record information and process it, like good software – not to evaluate it.

For that we need wisdom (Jupiter).

Since our brain does not have the wisdom to evaluate information, when we use our brain anyways to try to evaluate our life, we can only do so with previously stored information. The result is like being on a hamster wheel… or treading water.

Fortunately, we have the ability to be conscious. Consciousness allows us to reflect upon our thoughts.

Add in free will and we have the ability to choose what to think, choose what to believe and choose how we define ourselves.

  • This is the true miracle – consciousness gives us the ability to override all recorded information in our brain!

Free will is the greatest gift.

Free will makes us co-creators – and what is more fun and joyful than creating?

So take this wonderful weekend of Jupiter’s square to Uranus to appreciate your role as a co-creator.

Do so in a positive way!

Jupiter's placement in your personal Star Code reveals the natural ways you attract joy, fulfillment and well-being.

It’s a great time to know the meaning of your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones!

Discover how you are naturally designed to magnify joy, fulfillment and abundance.

All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code… click here.

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle
