Trusting the Divine

Received by Mashubi Shekiniah - May 04, 2021

Golden Steps to the New #29

Dearest Beloveds, there is a deep learning that is happening for all of humanity.

At this time, the Realms of Light and all those that guide the Earth are gathering together and strengthening the field of light in and around the energy body of the Earth.

This raising of the vibration of light on the Earth is affecting all beings, and producing a more rapid purification process, the upsurge of negativity and energies that are opposed to light.

Beloved ones, the way through this time is through your heart:

Strengthening love, giving yourself love, giving others love, forgiving, allowing emotions to flow, without attachment, and containing expressions of darkness that would produce a negative affect on others or one's self.

Give yourself all of the love that you need, and share all of this love with you beloved brethren on the Earth.

Share this love with the Earth herself, with all living beings, express care, and choose to be a divine expression on the Earth of who you are on a soul level.