An incredibly intense 29:29:29 code activates during an opposition of Mars and Jupiter placing a major spotlight on all your close relationships and your relationship to your INNER VOICE.

  • JUPITER at 29° Aquarius is opposite MARS at 29° Leo on July 29.

Furthermore, this celestial event occurs between two full moons in Aquarius. Here’s what’s extraordinary

  • The second Aquarius Full Moon (on Aug 22) ALSO takes place at the exact same degrees – Moon at 29°Aquarius and Sun at 29° Leo!

2 oppositions, 2 Full Moons, 2 times on 29°!

29 is the Intuitive Master – the number of intimate connection through inspiration.

29 reduces to the Master Number 11 which represents a portal. Walking through the 11 gateway is being fully conscious of the Present Moment.

Being one with the all is a very Aquarian theme.

29/11 also symbolizes the Intuitive, also a very Aquarian trait. The numerology and astrology codes enhance each other beautifully.

Be Spontaneous. Be Open to SHARE what’s in your heart.

Mars in Leo is about COURAGE. You have an increased desire to succeed.

Jupiter in Aquarius opens up new opportunities that enhance your life long into the future.

  • So focus on your intentions on what brings you JOY, act on them and see the results unfold.
  • The good fortune you experience arises from your trust in your greater purpose and the activation of positive goals that are aligned to your heart.
  • You can experience great results in all areas of your life – business, relationships, health, spirituality, inner peace, environment, leadership.

Pay attention to feelings that make you feel good, calm and refreshed.

GOOD FEELINGS are proof that goodness underlies life, because when you align with joy, peace, acceptance and love, you are rewarded.

The truth is that everything is just as it’s supposed to be. There is nothing ever wrong with life – only with our BELIEFS (Jupiter) about life.

What a relief, right?

You can just relax and let life be as it is!

Jupiter just moved back into Aquarius until the end of 2021 and is propelling you to create and discover joy in a new way.

So, it’s a fabulous time to discover the gifts of Jupiter in your personal Astro-Numerology blueprint. Your Jupiter Wealth Code is made up of 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones – they reveal how you are naturally designed toactivate abundance, wisdom and joy.

For Your Jupiter Wealth Code… click here.

Blessings and Love,

Tania Gabrielle

P.S. Learn how you are PERSONALLY designed to attract fortune and fulfillment! All is revealed in Your Jupiter Wealth Code here.