Divine Truth

Received by Mashubi Shekiniah - January 19, 2021

Golden Steps to the New #20

Dearest Beloveds,

A serious and unprecedented time is unfolding in your world.

There are some who are still experiencing shock that the old ways of being no longer exist.

Now, as many new events unfold one after the other, each creating change and disruption, the beloved Divine Creator of All is reaching out to her beloved children.

See, see she cries out, pointing the way to love.

Listen, listen she urges each beloved, calling out to the heart of each one.

You have a choice now dearest ones to align more deeply, to follow more deeply the divine truth that lives within you.

Divine truth at its core will always point the way to love.

You have a choice dearest ones to align with who you are, and what your holy purpose is on the Earth. The time is now to go deeply within and discover the treasure that is you.

We stand ready to assist and are available here to bring light to all who are seeking.

Note from Mashubi - The Realms of Light are offering a new online Sacred Service Activation group which starts on January 25. 

Also, please note that our Circle of Healing this week is at 12:30pm Eastern instead of 12 noon.  Please join us for these sacred transformational events!