Unlocking the Gate

Received by Mashubi - December 11, 2020

Golden Steps to the New #16

Dearest Beloveds,

We are sending streams of divine love and light to all on the holy Earth, in this time of potent and significant change.

All that is unfolding is within the divine plan of each embodied soul, however the long period of separation from the heart, and from one's true nature, is creating a painful re-encounter.

The ways of life that existed on the third dimension Earth, have been changing for a number of years now. There has been a slow and gradual acceleration, transformation and shifting of timelines, to accommodate the free will choices of all embodied souls.

Now beloved ones, the new Earth is emerging, the holy and sanctified vibration of light is well anchored at the center of the Earth, radiating and transforming all the physical matter, including the sacred bodies of all life on the Earth.

Older structures that kept kept physical life organized in its third dimensionality, are now being swept away rapidly and in some cases completely.

This accelerated transformation will continue and intensify. Your souls understand and know how to navigate within this environment.  

Your human and body itself may be experiencing fear and concern, especially if you have learned to approach your life through the mind.

Now beloved ones, it is time to unlock the gate of your heart, anything you have kept closed, separate from others, or separate from yourself, is now ready to be revealed, opened, and freed.

You may feel like a mystery to yourself, as all kinds of new aspects of yourself become revealed. Embrace all, and allow yourselves the freedom to be new.

This will serve all, and will serve the holy earth, as you are moved into your new alignment for the times ahead.

We are available to assist and have opened new pathways of support for all.

Note from Mashubi - this week the Realms of Light opened up a new offering in the member's discussion forums, the World Blessings New Hope messages which are given on a daily basis most weekdays.