the "Bigger Picture" - New Territory for Embodiment


New Message Channeled by Ailia Mira
Monday, March 29, 2021

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love! We are so joyful at the opportunity to come together, now, and co-create. There is great potential right now in your world for new forms to be created. New ways of being. New ways of connecting. New ways of sharing and new ways of seeing one another.

So much has been dismantled this past year. So much has been put on pause and it has gone on long enough that patterns and habits have been dissolved. This creates a powerful opening and one that we would like to suggest you use, to recreate your world!

Each of you live in a world of your own choosing. This does not mean you bypass the polarity of this realm, but that you experience things through your own perceptions and you also are experiencing the things that your soul and Life Itself deliver to further your evolution in consciousness.

Embodied Life is to be experienced and it is also a means by which the form itself -- humanity, and the earth - evolve. The form evolves through the presence within the form and the evolution in consciousness that takes place in the form.

So as you awaken, as you open, as you further your connection with the Infinite Oneness, the form of your embodiment, evolves to serve and accommodate the expansions in consciousness.

This is the most exquisite and beautiful experience! If you are keeping up with the energy potentials of your embodiment - those of your own soul evolution and those of the planetary shifts, then you feel alive, passionate, engaged and purposeful. You feel clearly present and your body is tuned to these vaster potentials and informs you, within, through your guardians and inner knowing, how and when and what to do, to play fully and feel free.

When you welcome the inner calls to more life and let yourself open to what is flowing through you and taking shaping within you, you thrive! This thriving looks different for each of you. Thriving is about being TRUE. True to the being you were made to be. True to the soul frequencies the functionality of your template of life. This template - the soul - has tendencies and affinities and vision. You in your embodiment are an emanation into form, an expression of this Life template you often call a soul.

Each soul has a destiny! The destiny is not in any way in conflict with your freedom, in fact, this destiny expands upon your freedom. It is a way of being in harmony with the wholeness in progressive and infinite layers, expanding outward to universal and cosmic layers of form and focus so that you feel more and more expansive and more and more infused and aligned with the PURE POTENTIAL of ALL LIFE. All of life is flowing and all of life is dancing in a harmonious constellation of Divine Order! When you are in harmony within yourself, and when you are open, willing and desiring to be of service to Life Itself, then you gradually open and deepen in your embodiment.

Your embodiment becomes enriched and your humanity, exalted.

This is the possibility here, now and the potentials for greater expansion in form and greater infusion of consciousness are open always, but greater now in this time of chaos and change. Great transformation happens in times like these and so we wish to invite you to participate in these possibilities by reframing and releasing all that you have outgrown, all that has never really been yours and in that new spaciousness, calling forth and answering the infinite design of being that is yours, in an expanded way.

We’d like to invite you to join us, in a new kind of Soar Fest. One in which we offer to you a diverse kind of experience. One that forms as you inform it. One that responds to you but also the planet as a whole and to the potentials for your collective embodiment right now.

We are the Angelic Beings of Light and we KNOW YOU. Many of you are angelic in your own lineage and we invite you - agents of the infinite - to come into a conscious co-creation here and now in which we recreate together, your relationship to embodiment.

New Territory.

There is new territory to be known and named and integrated and lived from.

And we’d like to meet you there. And co-create.

Bridging heaven and earth, through this inner heart space of openness and love and wholeness and joy!
So we invite you, to

“The Bigger Picture Soar Fest!

YOU are an eternal being, infinite in potential and specific in form and function. Conscious evolution involves sensing wholeness, allowing your awareness of wisdom and understanding to expand so you can align with vaster potentials. This is part of living as a conscious agent of the infinite and such an important part of being embodied here, on earth, NOW!

Look inward and feel — is this a meaningful way for me to open up my life to more fulfillment?

If the inner answer is YES, then please join us.

I AM Archangel Michael

For all the details about the Soar Fest, click here.